Women Grievance Cell

Women’s Grievance And Redressal Cell

(Anti-sexual harassment)2022-23

Constitution as per PCI norms and AICTE guidelines


  1. To resolve issues pertaining to girls’ / women’s sexual harassment.
  2. The women’s grievances redressal cell has been formed to resolve issues.
  3. To equip the female students, faculty and staff members with knowledge of their legal rights.
  4. To safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members.
  5. To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.
  6. To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college.
  7. To ensure personality along with academic development of students.


The Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee will meet twice a year and whenever required.


The details of member are as follows.

Sr. no. Name of the Committee Members Designation Post Mobile No. Mail ID
1 Dr. KV Ramanath Principal Chairman  9110474645 kv.ramanath@suryadatta.edu.in
2 Senior Female Lecturer Lecturer Secretary   ___   ___
3  Senior Male Lecturer Lecturer Member  ___   ___
4  Lecturer Lecturer Member  ____ ____
5  Adv. KetakiBapat Advocate Member  8956932411 Ketaki.bapat@suryadatta.edu.in
6  Mrs.SandhyaKhilare (Maher) NGO Member Member  9767100384 maher@maherashram.org
7 Mr Harish Parekh Accountant Member 9822525041 Harish.parekh@suryadatta.edu.in  
8 Female Student Student Member  ___  __
9 Male Student Student Member  ___  __


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