Diploma in Labour Law and Labour Welfare

Eligibility for Admission

To be eligible for admission the candidate must be a graduate of any faculty either of this university or of any other university, whose degrees are recognized as equivalent to the corresponding degrees of this university

Duration of the Course

Duration of the Course Duration of the course shall be one academic year  commencing  form June only.


The examination for Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare shall be held at the end of the every academic year on the dates to be announced by the University. So held examination may be held in case of students who have failed.

Standard and Grades of Passing

  1. Each paper shall carry 100 marks and of three hours duration
  2. A Candidate who secures a minimum 35% of marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% and the Candidate obtaining between 50% and 54% marks will be declared to frase passed im Second Class, between 55% and 59% marks shall be placed in Higher Second Class
  3. The Candidate obtaining between 60% and 69% marks will be declared to have pa First Class
  4. The Candidate obtaining between 70% and above will be declared to have passed in First Class with Distinction.
  5. The Candidate who obtains at least 50% of the full marks in a paper shall at ins option exempted from the paper at subsequent examination. He/ She shall, however have to pas remaining paper or papers in accordance with the standard of passing laid above such exemption is for SIX YEARS ONLY.

Course of Study

The Course of Study leading to Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare consist  the following compulsory papers:-

Statutes :

  1. The Trade Union Act, 1926
  2. The Industrial Employment (Standing) Orders Act, 1946
  3. The Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946
  4. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
  5. The Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Union and Prevention of Unfair 1 Practices Act, 1971


  1. The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
  2. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
  3. The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952
  4. The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953
  5. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
  6. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972


  1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
  2. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  3. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
  4. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976


  1.  The Factories Act, 1948
  2. The Bomboy Shops & Establishmet Act, 1948
  3. Mmes Act, 1952
  4. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961
  5. The Contract (Regulation & Abolition) Labour Act, 1970 In)
  6. Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act. 1986
  7. Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976

i) Field Work and Viva Voce!

It shall consist of the following:-

A . Maintaining a Journal                                                                     25 Marks

B . Study Tour Reports (Field Work Visit)                                          50 Marks

C . Viva – Voce                                                                                        25 Marks


Total        100 Marks


A) Maintaining a Journal :-

a) Every student will be required to keep a Journal of the Field Work done during the course of his/her study.

b) The following are the details of the Journal-

  1. Article on current Labour Problems/Labour Topic
  2. Study of Labour Cases Supreme Court or High Court
  3. Summary of Seminar/ Moot Court/Guest Lectures/Group Discussion/ Work Shop
  4. Study of different forms/Returns/to be filled under  various Labour Laws.


B) Study Tour Reports/Field Work Visits: Journal :-

It shall include the following visits

a) Factory /Industry

b) Labour Court / Industrial Court

c) Government Labour Department

  • Any one Commissioner of Labour
  • Any Office of the Any Office of the Director. Safety & Health
  • Any Office of the Regional Commissioner of Provident fund

d) Trade Union Office OR Labour Welfare Centre

e) Office of the Local Manager – Employees State Insurance Corporation e

Note: – Each student will required to submit a report not less than 30 pages on the work assigned to him/her in relation to the aforesaid field work visits.

 C. Viva Voce (Oral) :-

The field work and Viva Voce Shall be examined by the Teacher In – Charge of the field work in the Institution concerned and one or more external examiners.

The Journals & Study Tour Reports (Field Work Visits Journals) must be submitted in the College at least Three weeks before the Commencement of the Examination.

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